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多倫多台商會『第十四届 十全食美』美食聯誼活動


多倫多台商會為迎接中華民國111年國慶,將於 2022年10月8日(星 期六) 晚6時假多倫多台北經文處文化中心(888 Progress Ave. Scarborough)舉辦『第14屆 十全食美』美食聯誼活動。

『十全食美』美食聯誼活動,由多倫多台商會主辦,中華民國僑務委員會贊助; 主辦單位於中華民國國慶之際,特別採用 "長桌宴" 方式,邀請大家一同享用美食,分享我們的歡愉並將喜慶氣氛帶給大家。


Dear Friends,

This year, Taiwan Entrepreneurs Society Taipei/Toronto's annual event, "The 14th Asian Cuisine Fest" will be taking place at the Taipei Cultural Centre (888 Progress Avenue, Scarborough) on Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.

One of TESTT’s most popular events, over 500 guests are expected to attend at this year’s Asian Cuisine Fest. We hope you will join us as we celebrate the many dynamic and diverse food cultures of Asia. From spicy Szechwan to flavourful Cantonese, exciting Southeast Asia to aromatic South Asia. Part of the event’s goal is to collect a hundred succulent dishes from well-known Asian restaurants or authentic family recipes for our guests to sample and enjoy, and we will have some good presents for the lucky draw as well.

Asian food is heavily rooted in the local culture and traditions. Everything from the herbs and spices to the preparation techniques offer an intimate glimpse into the lives of the local people. To experience the grandeur of Asia, one simply has to try the local dishes.

We sincerely invite restaurants and others in the Asian food industry to support our event. Together, we can create a truly unique and satisfying dining experience for our guests.

Thank you. I look forward to having you at our event!

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活動日期:2022年10月8日 (星期六)



地點: 駐多倫多台北經文處文化中心( 888 Progress Ave. Scarborough)

費用: 會員- $20, 非會員- $ 25元, (2歲 以下兒童- 免費)




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