全球新冠肺炎疫情仍然嚴峻,我國雖防成功為世界的模範生但貿協及我各單位仍持續接到世界地請求,期待分享防疫經驗及採購物資。為了更積極參與國際新冠肺炎防疫工作,並將臺灣產業優勢及宣傳能量發揮到最大,貿協同仁日夜趕工在兩週內建置完成臺灣國家防疫館讓有需求的國家,不論是政府官員、醫護人業者或一般民眾透過本站獲得所需的資訊與服務。該國家防疫館於 6月4日召開記者會啟動,其重要內容如下:
1. 面向全球的英文防疫館
Taiwan Global Anti-Covid 19 Pavilion.
2. 精神標語
We're in this fight together,象徵臺灣與全球共同對抗此波世紀疫情的決心。
3. 即時服務
4. 經驗分享專區 提供各種我國防疫政策、措施及經驗之英文短片。
5. FAQ (常見問題) 將依據訪客身份,分醫療人員、政府官員、業界人士、一般民眾等四類所需資訊,提供最常遇見的問題及解說,目前已累積兩百多則問答。
6. 全球商務防疫地圖
7. 防疫產業專區 結合全國兩千家相關業者,涵蓋從防護、檢驗、治療完整產業生態系,在線上展示超過一萬項產品,內容包括設備、醫材、生技及軟體系統服務等,可滿足抗疫的大部分需求。除了必要的防疫物資外,特色是科技在公共衛生、智慧醫院、遠距工作、個人消費行為改變的應用。
8. 臺灣防疫模式分享 包括政府超前部署作法、全民健保醫療照護系統協同運作、運用新科技(如人工智慧及大數據)防疫、以及政府與民間如何合作、透明化防疫資訊作為等。「科技防疫」將是各國社會及產業在面對疫情所衍生諸多挑戰下的長久之計。
9. 防疫最新科技資訊 有關防疫智慧醫療、生技、設備之最新消息。例如我國近期成大醫院研發出最新用AI判定罹患新冠肺炎之X光系統並獲得WHO國際黑客松競賽大獎等。
10. 國家形象專區 ( Newsroom ) 收集全球媒體、各國政經社會領袖讚揚臺灣防疫成功之各種報導及專訪。
臺灣線上醫療服務,請聯繫 sipro@taitra.org.tw
接洽臺灣供應商,請聯繫 e-member@taiwantrade.com
搜尋臺灣醫療產品,請聯繫 mdd@taitra.org.tw
貿協全球駐外單位 (Taiwan Trade Center)

TAITRA Launches「Taiwan Global Anti-Covid 19 Pavilion」
As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, Taiwan’s effective anti-COVID-19 effort has drawn international attention and overwhelming requests seeking exchange and collaboration. Joining the global fight against COVID-19, TAITRA launched the Taiwan Global Anti-Covid-19 Pavilion to enable both the public and private sectors of the world to acquire the relevant information and services from Taiwan. The press conference on June 4 outlined the key elements of the website:
1. Taiwan Global Anti-Covid-19 Pavilion A website offering Taiwan’s anti-COVID-19 resources in English.
2. “We’re in this fight together”
The mission and slogan of the pavilion, that Taiwan stands with the rest of the
world in the battle against COVID-19.
3. Realtime services
Working with 20 leading medical facilities to answer needs from abroad
through video calls that share anti-pandemic experience. More medical
facilities are to join over time. The Taiwan CDC Hotline +886-800-001-922 is also available for international callers. All inquiries can be made via the pavilion’s FB page.
4. Experience sharing
Video clips in English about Taiwan’s epidemic prevention policies, measures
and experiences.
5. FAQ
Provides answers to frequently asked questions by individuals in the
government, medical, business, and general public sectors.
6. Global Anti-pandemic Business Map Up-to-date information on global border control, travel, logistics,
roadmap for recovery phase, trade control measures, relief & revitalization policy.
7.Industries A database for connecting with 2,000+ businesses that provide 10,000+ anti-COVID-19
supplies, equipment, biotech and software systems, as well as technologies and applications
in public health, smart hospital, and remote working.
8. Taiwan Model
Information on early preparation, national health insurance, adoption of new technologies, public- private cooperation, and transparency. The long-term strategy is to fully utilize technology for epidemic prevention.
9. Latest technologies and information
News on smart health, biotech, and AI COVID-19 diagnosis.
10. Newsroom
International coverage on Taiwan’s COVID-19 prevention efforts.
Providing the latest information and services, the pavilion will be continuously updated throughout the crisis. Post-pandemic, the website will become the Taiwan Medical Pavilion and continue to serve the international community as a platform for connecting with the nation’s medical and technology sectors.
Contact Us
Meet Taiwan Medical Services online, please contact sipro@taitra.org.tw
Meet suppliers online, please contact e-member@taiwantrade.com
Source Taiwan Medical Products, please contact mdd@taitra.org.tw
Find Taiwan Trade Center in your country/region (Taiwan Trade Center)
