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葉輝煌會計師事務所(Jack Yeh Professional Corporation)誠聘

作家相片: test.toronto1993test.toronto1993

Jack Yeh Professional Corporation

Jack Yeh Professional Corporation is a professional public accounting firm established in 1996 by a Taiwanese CPA.

Mr. Jack Yeh was on the TESTT board as director and treasurer for 20 years.

Accounting Assistant徵求會計師助手

- Prepare payroll calculation for clients計算客戶員工工資

- Prepare bookkeeping for clients幫助完成客戶公司記帳

- Respond to client inquiries 回答客戶諮詢電話與郵件

- Communicate with government officials和政府部門溝通諮詢


- No experience required, company will provide basic training. Preference will be given to applicants with experiences. 無須有經驗, 但是對會計有興趣者, 公司會提供基礎培訓. 有會計師事務所經驗者更佳.

- Applicants seeking long-term, stable position尋求長期穩定工作者

- Good coordination and communication skills, strong sense of responsibility具良好協調溝通能力 ,認真負責

- Fluent in both English and Mandarin英中文流利

- Have basic computer skill (Microsoft Words, spreadsheet) 懂基本電腦操作

- Canadian citizen or permanent resident加拿大公民或永久居民

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